2012年5月27日 星期日


今年足球運氣非常好, 藍戰士車仔贏得歐冠冠軍, 藍月亮也擊敗man utd.

但我最喜歡球隊不是 any 球會, 克羅地亞國家足球隊, 如果我的足球運繼續這樣好, 希望他們可以出線8la,(but they need to beat spain or Italy in order to do that...) 全人類興奮的歐洲國家盃即將到來, 各位是否看好spain,germany and Holland熱門奪標?  i like 英格蘭 and 葡萄牙, but I don't think they can make it... and finally, as much as i love Croatian football team, i don't want them to win... just yet... because i said once i need to see Croatia win a world cup or euro cup before i die.... don't want to die so soon...  

must watch match:   looks like i don't have much time to prepare my exam in early july...

10 Jun
德國 vs 葡萄牙
11 Jun
西班牙 vs 意大利
11 Jun
愛爾蘭 vs 克羅地亞
12 Jun
法國 vs 英格蘭
14 Jun
荷蘭 vs 德國
15 Jun
意大利 vs 克羅地亞
18 Jun
葡萄牙 vs 荷蘭
19 Jun
克羅地亞 vs西班牙
22 Jun
23 Jun
24 Jun
25 Jun
28 Jun
29 Jun
2 Jul

2012年5月24日 星期四

yr 5 放傍

今天是證明他們五年收成正果時刻, 也許今天是year 5 students興奮的一天, 放傍日, 恭喜恭喜,

it is very rare that i feel this level of excitement for others, the last time would be when my friend won a life changing competition.

一名醫學生成為一名醫生感覺, 想親身體驗, 明年! Its going to be us next year

at least, 轉载一位台大醫學系畢業醫生的感言:


2012年5月7日 星期一


之前新聞介紹12歲之前50件做的事情, Here is the list of 50 things to do before you are 12 from National Trust. See how many you have done!

1. Feed a bird from your hand. i won't do that if i were you. h5n1 avian influenza
2. Roll down a really big hill
3. Hunt for treasure on the beach. The only treasure i ever found on beach is dog shit
4. Build a den
5. Visit an island  England is an island, right?
6. Run around in the rain
7. Fly a kite
8. Catch a fish with a net. That fish must be a retard if you can net it.
9. Eat an apple straight from a tree. This is dangerous! just like wild mushroom, you don't know which apple is poisonous !.
10. Play conkers stupid game
11. Throw some snow
12. Camp out in the wild
13. Make a mud pie. Don't know what a mud pie is
14. Dam a stream
15. Go sledging
16. Call an owl. I didn't know they have phone...
17. Set up a snail race. To see which snail run the fastest? or to race who can finish their snail in a French meal?
18. Balance on a fallen tree
19. Swing on a rope swing
20. Make a mud slide
21. Eat blackberries growing in the wild. I used Blackberry in the wild.
22. Take a look inside a tree I am not botanist! and what is inside a tree anyway! bugs?
23. Skim a stone
24. Feel like you're flying in the wind
25. Make a grass trumpet
26. Hunt for fossils and bones
27. Watch the sun wake up
28. Climb a huge hill
29. Get behind a waterfall
30. Climb a tree
31. Hunt for bugs
32. Find some frogspawn they do look like dessert
33. Catch a butterfly in a net
34. Track wild animals
35. Discover what's in a pond
36. Bury someone in the sand. I buried a dead hamster once
37. Check out the crazy creatures in a rock pool. well there are lots of crazy creatures under my bed if i don't clean my room for months
38. Bring up a butterfly. where can i find butterfly baby?
39. Catch a crab
40. Go on a nature walk at night
41. Plant it, grow it, eat it Ariel, if you are reading this, I consider I have done that just because we ate your mushroom that you grow.
42. Go wild swimming
43. Go rafting
44. Light a fire without matches then how?
45. Find your way with a map and compass
46. Try bouldering
47. Cook on a campfire
48. Try abseiling
49. Find a geocache
50. Canoe down a river