對一個宗教&政治冷感的我, 都要say something,
在facebook 看見a youtube link showing某宗教人士decapitated another 異教徒,活生生鋸他頭下來,乞求聲,驚慌眼神, 刀鋸,....
of course I should
not jump into conclusion,每個宗教有好和壞 ga la, and i don't know enough to comment on them.
but decapitated a human......
I consider
myself as天主教, 我有個親戚believe in齊天大聖孫悟空, 只要導人向善的, 每個宗教都值得尊重
記得有一個朋友come out with an interesting宗教 theory: all gods
exist, you follow your god after you are dead. or example if you are
a Catholic you will queue with other Catholic and enter heaven,
and if you are佛教, then you will queue for輪迴, and if you are無宗教, then you can pick your god after you die. There will be lots
of Gods doing promotion asking you to join their family. How wonderful!
and finally, please
don't look up that video......